Trapezoid Trip to Jackson

Looking northeast on Main Street in Yazoo City

Looking northeast on Main Street in Yazoo City

I wasn't sure what to call this collection - they were taken on a trip to Jackson between February 15th and 17th. It wasn't a "round" trip, I took too many side trips and detours for that - so "trapezoid" seemed to fit.

The first few photos were taken on February 15th and 16th.  The 15th near Grenada on the way down to Jackson, the 16th in Jackson around downtown and at the Dixie National.

The majority of the photos were taken on February 17th in Canton and Yazoo City and along Highways 16 and 49E.

I'm going to have to revisit some of these places - too much to really take in and I needed to get back to Tupelo.